Planning Application NP/TCA/1124/1219
Decision: Withdrawn
Decision: Withdrawn


Dear Mr Hampden Following my site visit yesterday to view the two Sycamore trees in the adjacent garden to you . During the visit I used a TruPulse 200 laser measurer to measure the distance from the closest tree to the nearest point of your house. This distance is 13.1m. The height of the nearest tree is 14.8m. When looking at the trees from the road, the tree nearest to your house is the taller of the two trees. With the prevailing wind blowing against the trees, towards your house, the taller tree would catch a significant amount of that wind. I would recommend pruning the taller tree to reduce the sail effect and reduce it to a height less than the distance to your house. The specification that I would use would be; Crown reduce the northeast portion of the taller tree (the tree nearest to Hill Farm Cottage) by 3-4m balance/feather the remaining crown to reshape. In effect this will bring the taller tree in line with the smaller one or just below. See the attached photo as a guide. I have recommended 3-4m to get the tree below the windward tree and well below 13.1m to allow growing time before the tree requires attention again

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