Planning Application NP/TCA/1024/1121
Decision: Accept
Decision: Accept


T1 - Beech - Heavily reduce by approximately 2/3 due to the close proximity to the neighboring property & suffering from major decay and fungal fruiting body at the base T2 - Magnolia - Sympathetically prune to shape T3 & T4 - Cedar & Horse Chestnut - Crown lift to approximately 4m T5 - Chestnut - Dismantle as dead T6 - Laburnum - Dismantle as fallen T7 & T8 - Beech - Crown lift for ongoing maintenance G1 - 12 Limes - Pollard, reduce and prune to shape the avenue of trees along driveway G2 - 6 Limes - Reduce to where cut previously still retaining lower natural canopy G3 - 3 Beech - Crown lift to approximately 3m G4 - Beech - Prune to shape the avenue of drive side Beech trees to create a tunnel effect up to a height of approximately 4-5m

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