Planning Application NP/TCA/0922/1227
Decision: Accept
Decision: Accept


G1 - Crown lift to highway specification and remove the major deadwood over the carriageway G2 - Crown lift to highway specification, remove the major deadwood over the carriageway, prune back away from the neighboring property and cut off the Basel growth G3 - Crown lift to highway specification and remove the major deadwood over the carriageway G4 - Crown lift to highway specification and remove the major deadwood over the carriageway T1 & T2 - Dismantle the 2 Beech with low cavity's and overhanging the road T3 - Dismantle the twinned Beech with Basel cavity and leaning on the wall T4 - Dismantle the dead leaning Elm T5 - Reduce the height of the stem over the road due to a tight lower union T6 - Dismantle the Beech leaning over the road T7 - Dismantle the dead Beech T8 & T10 - Prune back from the building giving a 3m clearance T9 - Dismantle the Ash T11 - Reduce the stem over the building T12 - (NOT MARKED UP) Dismantle the large Beech tree opposite the house due decay at the base

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