Planning Application NP/TPO/0424/0360
Decision: Accept
Decision: Accept


Shown in the photographs are three lime trees and one willow tree. On the Willow I request to reduce the vast majority of the large lateral limb to the growth points around the area indicated by the red line. This is to remove the risk of failure and thus damaging the hedge and fence below. Although the limb would look more aesthetically pleasing if it were to be completely removed I feel there is a risk of damaging the structural integrity of the remainder of the tree by creating such a large wound that close to the main trunk.Of the three lime trees I request to crown lift roughly to the height indicated by the red line as well as removing the epicormic growth from the bottom tree. The intention is to allow more light onto the drive and hopefully help save the yew tree shown in the final photograph that is massively in decline due to being outcompeted by the limes.

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