Planning Application NP/TPO/0225/0105
Decision: Accept Conditionally
Decision: Accept Conditionally


TPO61 Sycamore tree. Location - just South of house - see aerial view. Resons for work: tree in structural decline & presents risk due to limbs falling off at random, not in storms/gales. John Coe has inspected and proposed works on tree to prolong its life while keeping it and us safe. His email to me on 18.11.24 is extracted on next page. His proposed works are shown on the attached photo which we would follow. 'Appropriate tree work it can be retained for many years yet as a landscape feature and a significant ecological habitat. I took various photographs, but I think we can simplify it down to the single one attached which illustrates all that is required. As viewed from the southeast side of the tree. To give the tree the best chance of recovering, we discussed that you will retain as much as possible of the many current slender growth shoots (though a lot will inevitably be lost). Once the tree has had 3 or so years to form new shoots lower down, the existing retained ones can be pruned back where required (this will require an application at that time).

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