Planning Application NP/TPO/0125/0042
Decision: Accept
Decision: Accept


T4 Common Lime Reasons for proposed works : Unable to fully inspect due to basal epicormics and ivy. Proposed works : Remove any ivy and basal / stem epicormic growth to 2m to aid inspection of buttresses. T5 Common Lime Reasons for proposed works : Unable to fully inspect due to basal epicormics and ivy. Proposed works : Remove any ivy and basal / stem epicormic growth to 2m to aid inspection of buttresses. T6 Common Lime Reasons for proposed works : Unable to fully inspect due to basal epicormics and ivy. Proposed works : Remove any ivy and basal / stem epicormic growth to 2m to aid inspection of buttresses. T8 Horse Chestnut Reasons for proposed works : Large area of necrotic bark encompassing 60% to 70% of basal stem diameter, hollow /air gap on sounding, an area of lifted bark with Armillaria rhizomorphs on the stem beneath. Two groups of fruiting bodies on the stem to 1.2m Some recent breakouts, minor dieback of distal tips with some recently failing onto the adjacent property. Proposed works : Fell to ground level

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