Planning Application NP/TCA/0923/1070 Click to copy quick linkDescription
G1 - Group of Thuja & Leylandii - Felling due to spread of root system begging to cause damage to retaining wall which upholds bank above house. Damage so far has resulted in water movement into property. T1 - Beech - Dismantle & removal to ground level due to structural cracking in stone building (garage/outhouse) at base of tree, sever lean over roof. T2 - Sycamore - Dismantle & removal to ground level due to structural cracking in stone building (garage/outhouse) at base of tree. T3 - Beech - Dismantle & removal to ground level due to structural cracking in stone building (garage/outhouse) at base of tree. T4 - Beech. Fairly small tree of which half of tree is dead due to fire damage caused by previous owners. Dismantle & removal to ground level.
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