Planning Application NP/TCA/0624/0587 Click to copy quick linkDescription
2 x London Plane, marked as '1' and '2' on the plan, previously pollarded but unmanaged for some years, to be pollarded back to single trunk approx 12' from ground level and allowed to regrow. All other trees on plan to remain, potential planting of small specimen trees once there is sufficient light in the garden. These trees are the wrong species in the wrong place and should never have been planted here. They were planted as semi-mature trees in individual crates needing a fork-lift truck to unload them on delivery. Although they were trimmed some years ago, they have subsequently been allowed to grow far too large for their position and completely dominate my adjoining property, casting shade all the way across my garden as far as the house. They are positioned less than 1.5m from the boundary and overhang my property by 5.5m. To remove growth on one side would make them unbalanced and unsightly. Short of felling, which I do not wish to see, I can see no other course of action than pollarding hard and allowing regrowth. The owner at Hydrangea cottage has agreed to a reduction in the size of these trees amd would also benefit from more light. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss with the tree officer. I am in the process of developing a planting plan for my garden which has been neglected for some time but will be unable to proceed while these trees remain at their current height and spread.
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