Planning Application NP/TCA/0424/0410
Decision: Accept
Decision: Accept


These trees have self seeded and not been planted as they are very close to the road ie less than a foot. I don't believe they require replacement with an alternate species x One Sycamore Tree overgrown and leaning into Bottomhill Road has ivy strangling it at the root and the whole trunk and branches, large branches have fallen into Bottomhill Road this January 2024 - requires removal x Seven Ash Trees overgrown and sadly diseased, as are 80% in the area with Ash Dieback. Some hollowing of branches and lack of new spring buds. Covered in ivy from root the top of trunks. Heavy branches have broken off and fallen into Bottomhill Road the jtogether with the junction lane to Cressbrook Water Treatment works in March 2024 storms and had to be dragged from the road see photos. Works required - Removal required of these now dangerous to the public trees. There are numerous cars, farm vehicles, local bus, tourists, dog walkers and locals using this road daily the public are all in danger of falling branches.

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