Planning Application NP/TCA/0324/0294
Decision: Accept
Decision: Accept


As you enter the Jervis Arms car park the first tree is a twin stemmed Ash (F. excelsior) on the left hand side. It has had Ash die back for several years, is badly affected and has become unsafe. It also suffers from a poor union between the stems. It needs to be felled. One side is over the car park the other over the garden. Both are soon to see use. Two replacement Silver Birch trees have been planted. One next it, one further up the car park. The Noble Fir (Abies procera) next to the bridge needs to be lightly crown lifted on the roadside to enable users of the car park to see and be seen. I believe a metre above the bridge parapet would suffice for this task. Branches below the parapet would be retained. At the top most part of the pub garden going up hill on the other side of the pub is a Goat Willow (Salix caprea). Its self sown and will grow much larger and cause problems with the wire services above and with motorists coming down the hill and not being aware a pub is just around the slight bend. If drivers are able to see the pub there is much more chance of the drivers anticipating a hazard and taking appropriate care. A mountain Ash (Sorbus aucuparia) would be planted as a replacement.

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