Planning Application NP/TCA/0224/0189
Decision: Accept
Decision: Accept


G1 Crown lift to clear 5m over Mill Lane and prune to give 200mm lateral clearance. Remove young self- set trees leaning towards road, trim ivy and prune to clear telecoms lines as appropriate. T2 beech Reduce extended branch to the east by approximately 2m. Aerial assessment of abrupt bend and branch unions. T3 ash Reduce two stems to east to ensure no part of tree can impact on Mill Lane in event of failure G4 Crown lift to clear 5m over mill lane &; prune to ‘side up’ to road edge. Dead young larch in G4 remove (marked yellow on Tree Location Plan (north)) T5 larch Remove Also remove heavily supressed young tree immediately to the east T7 horse chestnut Reduce entire crown by approximately 2m T11 plum Reduce by approximately 1.5m to previous points

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