Planning Application NP/TCA/0124/0108
Decision: Accept
Decision: Accept


T1 - Chamaecyparis sp. - Tree is partially uprooted and "hung up" in adjacent trees of same species. Up rooting caused by excessive and prolonged wet weather and high winds. Over the lats 4-5 years the garden of the above property is oftne waterlogged/ flooded due to collapsed underground mining infrastructure, together with an increased tufa formation in the adjacent river Lathkill. Fell to ground level ASAP T2, 3 & 4 - Chamaecyparis sp. - Trees 2. 3 & 4 are adjacent to tree 1 and are also at risk of windthrow due to a recent change in ground conditions. If to fail, trees within striking distance of outhouses at Brookside Cottage, adjacent gardens, nearby footpath and telecommunication infrastructure. Suggest fell to ground level. A restocking proposal consisting of trees adaptable to the change in ground conditions, suggest plan 4 x Alnus glutinosa in Tubex 1.2m staked shelters.

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