Planning Application NP/TCA/0123/0002
Decision: Accept
Decision: Accept


T1 Multistem Sycamore - FELL due to location, tree bole is growing out of a drystone retaining wall, is in close proximity to neighbouring properties and shared pedestrian access. T2 Multistem Ash - FELL due to location, tree bole is growing out of a drystone retaining wall, is in close proximity to neighbouring properties and shared pedestrian access. T3 Elm - FELL due to location, tree bole is growing at the top of a drystone retaining wall/limestone outcrop and is in close proximity to neighbouring properties and shared pedestrian access. Felled trees will be replaced by small fruiting trees such as plum or apple as part of the restoration of this land to a productive garden in accordance with the covenant placed on the title. As the plot is close to dwellings, an MM106 rootstock will be specified to limit ultimate height. Trees will be planted away from existing retaining walls.

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